Monday, September 1, 2008

Help-U-Sell Files for Bankruptcy

Help-U-Sell Real Estate franchise company recently entered Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings. An article written by Inman News on August 15, 2008 stated that the company has gone bankrupt in the past. The article also said that the company expects to survive the latest bankruptcy. Apparently, a group of regional Help-U-Sell operators filed an involuntary petition for bankruptcy seeking a judgment of $1.04 million from the company. In return, the parent company filed the Chapter 11 bankruptcy to protect itself.

Help-U-Sell was founded in 1976 and began franchising in the 1980s. It was purchased by Metropolitan Life Benefit Company and expanded into a few hundred franchises prior to going into bankruptcy the first time. In 1997, it was purchased by American Pacific Financial Corp. Help-U-Sell was, in more recent history, one of the fastest growing real estate franchise chains in the country.

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