Saturday, April 26, 2008

Prospecting Without A Sales Pitch

REALTOR® Magazine Online Edition Daily Real Estate News April 22, 2008

Real estate sales associates who obtain most of their business from people within their "sphere of influence" can also get business from strangers without door knocking, cold calling, or advertising.

How? By presenting themselves as sources of objective, insightful information about the local market.

They would be wise to keep their eyes open for business opportunities and keep smiles on their faces when outside the office.

Although it is smart for them to be prepared to talk about the local housing market on a moment's notice, they should be able to do so without delivering a sales pitch. Additionally, real estate professionals should spend a lot of time gaining knowledge of the local market, reading neighborhood newspapers, attending local meetings on such topics as transit oriented development, and making trips to shopping districts and new-home communities.

Such knowledge is more important than a business card or a speech in generating business from strangers.

Source: Realty Times, Jennifer Allan (04/21/08)

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