On June 10th NYSAR sponsored its annual event knows as Lobby Day. On this day every year, REALTORS® throughout New York State converge upon Albany to meet with their legislators to discuss real estate issues and legislation that benefits, as well as hurts our industry, our clients and customers.
Because of the current housing market and economy, momentum is gaining in Albany for substantive measures to be taken concerning school taxes and property taxes in NY State. With the participation of our members at Lobby Day, there was a clear signal sent to our representatives that REALTORS®, are fed up with ever increasing taxes which only hurt our state’s economic future and our real estate industry.
This year over 150 REALTORS® spanning from Long Island to Buffalo had their voices heard in Albany. I also attended on behalf of the Otsego-Delaware Board and met with State Senators Seward and Bonacic and Assemblyman Pete Lopez.
I can’t over-emphasis the importance of Lobby Day because of the unity, strength and focus our members provide on a number of very important issues at that time. Over 150 REALTORS® discussed with their legislators the importance of the Commission Escrow Act (which is pending legislation designed to protect your earned but unpaid commissions), Sex Offender Ban (proposed legislation to ban ALL sex offenders from holding or obtaining a real estate license), a call for decreasing real estate taxes (because citizens of NY have the dubious honor of having the highest tax burden per capita in the nation – more than 200% higher than the national average), First Time Home Buyer Savings Account (which would allow a $5000 per individual or $10,000 per couple tax deductible contribution toward the purchase of a first home). These were some of the many issues discussed by concerned REALTORs® on June 10th.
Since Lobby Day, more than half of the members in the Assembly have signed on to the Commission Escrow Act bill which brings the total number of sponsors in that house to 81, our strongest backing yet. On June 11th, the bill moved from the Assembly Judiciary Committee to the Codes Committee. This is very good news and so far this bill has not been stalled in committee.
Concerning the Sex Offender Ban, support increased for this legislation when nearly 500 e-mails from REALTORS® were sent to lawmakers leading up to Lobby Day showing our support for this important bill. These emails were in response to a “Call for Action” NYSAR sent to members. This legislation has since moved from the Assembly Judiciary Committee to the Codes Committee by an overwhelming vote of 19 in favor to 2 opposed. This is a huge victory because the bill has remained stalled in the Judiciary Committee since 2006.
Because of the current housing market and economy, momentum is gaining in Albany for substantive measures to be taken concerning school taxes and property taxes in NY State. With the participation of our members at Lobby Day, there was a clear signal sent to our representatives that REALTORS®, are fed up with ever increasing taxes which only hurt our state’s economic future and our real estate industry.
In prior years I’ve discussed taxes with our area legislators and received only vague assurances of their mutual concerns on this issue. Now, in 2008, there seems to be very widespread support for doing something real to reduce our tax burdens in this state. NYSAR has been faithful for years in trying to get our legislators to deal with soaring taxes. Because of our persistence, as well as the state of our economy, our concerns about high taxes are now being taken very seriously. Please read the article written by The Legislative Gazette dated Monday June 23rd, posted on the blog (http://www.odbr.blogspot.com/) titled “Governor Holds Legislators Feet to Fire Concerning Taxes” for more information about current legislative tax reducing proposals being made in Albany.
During Lobby Day, NYSAR’s President Linda Page had a chance to meet with Jim Tedisco, the highest ranking minority member of the Assembly to discuss the issues that are important to us. Linda also met with Secretary of State Lorraine Cortez-Vazquez who is in charge of the Department of State. As you can tell, events like Lobby Day help us meet with government leaders to get business done.
Every REALTOR® member should do whatever he or she can to help all of us to get things done in Albany. Your help in NYSAR's efforts to secure legislation designed to protect and help our customers and clients is vital . Your RPAC support as well as financial contributions are the reason we are having the successes we are having. Without your financial and moral backing our voice wouldn’t be heard. That’s why your assistance (in terms of financial contributions, response to NYSAR’s “Call to Action” and participation on Lobby Day) is so important. Thanks you for the support you have already given to RPAC and also to me and your RPAC Chairperson to keep you informed of the issues and to go to Albany on your behalf.
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