Friday, February 1, 2008

Who Needs Real Estate Professionals Anyways?!

Sometimes we run across people who either say this, or perhaps something like it. Even if they don’t say it, we wonder if they are thinking it from time to time. Do you ever wonder if the future really needs us? This type of apocalyptic nightmarish fear is fanciful; however, has no basis in truth! How do I know this?

According to the 2007 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers New York Report prepared for NYSAR by NAR (December 2007), here’s just a few very interesting statistics showing that the buying/selling public both wants and needs our professional knowledge and expertise:

1. 72% of home buyers purchased their home through a real estate agent or broker.

2. 59% of recent buyers will definitely use their agent again, and an additional 24% will probably use the agent again or recommend to others.

3. 39% percent of first-time buyers were referred to their agent by a friend, family member, neighbor or relative.

4. 76% of sellers used an agent or broker to sell their home.

5. 97% of buyers ranked honesty and integrity as a “very important” factor when choosing a real estate professional to assist with a home purchase.

6. For 32% of sellers, the reputation of the agent was the most important factor when choosing a real estate professional.

7. When selecting a real estate professional, 44% of sellers received a recommendation from a friend, neighbor or relative.

Interesting isn’t it?

These are just a few of the statistics given in this report. The report gives statistical breakouts on a variety of topics and is worth looking at. You can obtain a copy at:

I remember about 11-12 years ago when many people were raising the question if real estate professionals would be necessary in the new world of the internet when “everything” would be done via the internet. Well, while the internet has definitely shaped the way we do business, we are still here and stronger than ever. So, it doesn’t look like we will go the way of the dinosaur any time soon.

I share this with you because I just thought you’d like to know.

To your success…


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